Jacinda Ardern Urges Leaders to be ‘Sensitive and Kind’ in Farewell Speech

Jacinda Ardern Urges Leaders to be

Jacinda Ardern Urges Leaders to be ‘Sensitive and Kind’ in Farewell Speech


Jacinda Ardern Urges Leaders to be ‘Sensitive and Kind’ in Farewell Speech

Jacinda Ardern, the Prime Minister of New Zealand, recently gave a farewell speech at the United Nations General Assembly. In her speech, she urged world leaders to be “sensitive and kind” in their leadership and to strive for a better future for all.

Ardern, who is the first female Prime Minister of New Zealand, has been praised for her leadership during the coronavirus pandemic. She has been credited with leading the country through the crisis with a “whole-of-government” approach and for her compassionate response to the tragedy of the Christchurch mosque shootings.

In her speech, Ardern spoke of the need for global leaders to be “sensitive and kind” in their leadership. She said that “we have a responsibility to be sensitive and kind to each other, to be humble and to be generous with our time and our resources.” She also spoke of the need to “forge a better future” and to “work together to build a world that is more equal, more just, and more sustainable.”

Ardern also spoke of the need to “embrace the diversity of our world” and to “recognize the value of every individual.” She said that “we must strive to create a world where everyone is treated with respect and dignity, regardless of their gender, race, religion, or any other aspect of their identity.”

Ardern’s speech was met with a standing ovation from the audience. Her words were seen as a call to action for global leaders to be more compassionate and understanding in their leadership.

#JacindaArdern #UNGA #Leadership #Compassion #Diversity

In her farewell speech at the United Nations General Assembly, Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern urged world leaders to be “sensitive and kind” in their leadership and to strive for a better future for all. She spoke of the need to “embrace the diversity of our world” and to “recognize the value of every individual” in order to create a world that is more equal, more just, and more sustainable. Her words were met with a standing ovation from the audience and were seen as a call to action for global leaders to be more compassionate and understanding in their leadership.

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