Radiologic Findings of COVID-19 and their Correlation with Lung Function

Radiologic Findings of COVID-19 and their Correlation with Lung Function

Radiologic Findings of COVID-19 and their Correlation with Lung Function


Radiologic Findings of COVID-19 and their Correlation with Lung Function

The novel coronavirus, or COVID-19, has been a major cause of concern for the world since its emergence in December 2019. As the virus continues to spread, it is important to understand the radiologic findings associated with the virus and how they correlate with lung function.

What are Radiologic Findings?

Radiologic findings are the results of imaging tests, such as X-rays, CT scans, and MRIs, that are used to diagnose and monitor diseases. In the case of COVID-19, radiologic findings can help to identify the presence of the virus and its effects on the lungs.

What are the Radiologic Findings of COVID-19?

The most common radiologic findings associated with COVID-19 are ground-glass opacities, consolidation, and interstitial thickening. Ground-glass opacities are areas of hazy opacity on the lungs that are not solid. Consolidation is an area of solid opacity on the lungs. Interstitial thickening is an increase in the thickness of the tissue between the air sacs of the lungs.

How do Radiologic Findings Correlate with Lung Function?

Radiologic findings can be used to determine the severity of the virus and its effects on the lungs. Ground-glass opacities and consolidation are associated with a decrease in lung function, while interstitial thickening is associated with an increase in lung function. This can help doctors to determine the best course of treatment for a patient.


Radiologic findings of COVID-19, such as ground-glass opacities, consolidation, and interstitial thickening, can be used to determine the severity of the virus and its effects on the lungs. Ground-glass opacities and consolidation are associated with a decrease in lung function, while interstitial thickening is associated with an increase in lung function. This can help doctors to determine the best course of treatment for a patient.

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